Program Director Message

Hits: 10290

Dear Mansoura Manchester Medical Program staff members and students,

Mansours Medical School is a prestigious class of education. It regularly ranks as one of the top faculties of medicine in Egypt, Middle East and Africa. Our Mansoura-Manchester Program for Medical Education was born in 2006. Since then, our program is recognized as a world-class medical bachelor degree specially because it adopts one of the leading medical educational curriculum in UK, that develops in Manchester University. Our corporation boasts superb facilities that relies on both; a problem-based way of teaching plus a competency-based way of product assessment and quality control. Our students gain a comprehensive grounding in medical science before applying that scientific foundation in clinical settings. Since the very early beginning, students receive increasing doses of clinical exposure and research methodology training. Our Institute offers a highly equipped skill lab., and an outstanding library provision. Exceptionally we have huge clinical training facilities through our highly equipped centers and university hospital. We are receiving students from more than 27 different countries. This creates true metropolitan diverse international community and an enhancing vibrant social life. It will be always my pleasure to welcome you here, in Mansoura, the Egyptian Medical capital.
Dr. Ahmed Negm
Professor of Surgery
Program Director
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt.


