
Board of Committee

dr rasha

Dr. Rasha Elmowafy

Lecturer of Medical Biochemistry& Molecular Biology

Head of elective courses Committee

\Dr wessam

Dr. Wesam Samir

Lecturer of Medical Biochemistry

& Molecular Biology

dr noha salah

Dr. Noha Salah

Lecturer of Medical Biochemistry

& Molecular Biology


Ms. Dalia Elsaeid

Secretary of Committee

Tasks of the committee

A: Elective courses:

  • • Preparing mechanisms to implement and review the new elective courses in the program during the different semesters and to ensure that they are consistent with the mission and objectives of the program and the nature of study in each semester.

Preparing mechanisms to implement and develop the optional course in the final year of the program, which includes the following steps:

  1.  Establishing and activating an electronic reservation system that allows the student to choose the major and the main supervisor of the elective course based on limited opportunities and the priority of progress.
  2.  Organizing training objectives with the different clinical departments in all departments and centers of the college and the main university hospital.
  3.  Follow-up training programs for final year students in various international educational and university institutes outside Egypt, and communicate with those in charge of these programs directly and agree on ways to evaluate students.
  4.  Preparing annual statistics on the training periods for students and participating research fields, as well as evaluating their supervisors from the clinical departments.
  5.  Preparing and renewing a student guide for the best clinical training places for Malaysian educational institutes and university hospitals, divided geographically.
  •  Monitoring the difficulties that may face the application of elective courses to take appropriate steps to overcome them.

B: Activating the basics of scientific research for students:

  • • Preparing an annual plan for scientific research based on students' needs and in line with the program's mission, including the following steps:
  1.  Announcing 5-10 competitive research grants funded by the program.
  2.  Develop and implement selection mechanisms between advanced research projects and make detailed reports on the bases and criteria for selection to ensure transparency of nomination and achieve the educational purpose of students.
  3.  Follow up the work of research projects during implementation and ensure adherence to the time and procedural plan for them.
  4.  Support and encourage scientific publishing as an essential output for research projects.
  • • Coordination with the main research units in the field of scientific research in the college (Experimental Medical Research Center, College of Medicine).

Organizing research submitted by final year students according to the following steps:

  1.  Electronic reservation for research supervisors with a system of specific opportunities and the priority of reservation to ensure equal opportunities for students.
  2. Archiving and arranging the research submitted annually electronically.
  3.  Examination of scientific plagiarism for all submitted research and the formation of committees to evaluate and discuss them.
  4.  Collecting nominations from the supervisors to choose the best 10-12 researches of a competitive nature for publication in the Mansoura Medical Journal.

 Supervising the preparation of the research paper in a manner appropriate for publication.

 Supervising the presentation of research to the journal's editorial team.

  • Organizing symposia and seminars in the field of scientific research at the program level.
  • Preparing a guide to raise awareness of the ethics of scientific research, and holding workshops on scientific research and publishing methods in journals
  • International and global.

C: Student exchange programs:

  • Preparing an annual plan for student exchange based on students' needs and in line with the vision and mission of the program and its implementation.
  • Announcing the annual student exchange grants for the University of Manchester and its teaching hospitals, defining the conditions and priorities for selection.

Preparing a student guide and renewing it annually to help the scholarship winners to complete their training program effectively.

  • • Follow-up of students during their training program and direct communication with members of the teaching and training staff in university hospitals.
  • • Manchester - England and preparing their assessment reports.

D: Students' self-learning activities regarding scientific writing during the first four years:

  • Developing the current mechanisms by putting different applications on scientific writing skills in agreement with the stage managers in parallel with the research courses taught by students in the different academic stages.
  • Targeted skills:

 Collect scientific material.

 Statistical Analysis and Research Design.

 Writing and displaying a research poster or abstract.

Criticism of scientific research and experiments published in scientific journals.

 Writing and presenting clinical cases, case reports & case series.

 Writing a review of literature.

  1. Setting up databases:

Preparing a database of elective courses and research activities offered by the program.